
More Izobelle summer holiday fun 2018

Just a few images of Izobelle enjoying her summer holidays with Nanna & Grandad. She is great fun to be with and the holidays seemed to pass very quickly.  See also:   Izobelle in Walton on the Naze Does she like to pose? of course - and so she should. Landguard Point hunting for stones Some photographic tuition from Nanna. Izobelle is surprisingly steady when taking a photograph - and she loves doing it. A break for refreshments during an assignment! If it's messy, Izobelle loves it! In Norwich and there just happened to be a tree stump. Photo call needed. With my cousins at the beach, all enjoying themselves. What was the question? Outside the University building in Ipswich And a quick portrait in Nana's garden.  Index of posts

Minsmere Nature Reserve

We have not visited Minsmere for quite a long period, so today a visit is planned! Not the most successful day as far as photographs are concerned, but very enjoyable. It's a great place just to stroll You can't help but see something. This Swallow was sitting on a direction post to a hide, which I thought was rather funny. After all, if you were in the hide you couldn't see him! Some great Parasol fungi to be seen - I loved the overhead view of this one because of its patterns.  And how about this for camouflage! very difficult to spot as it alighted onto the path. It is a Grayling butterfly. Widespread on coast of Britain and Ireland and on heathland in southern Britain. Rests with wings closed. Underwing mottled-brown. Appears larger in flight when pale yellow-orange bands can be seen.  Cryptic colouring provides the Grayling with excellent camouflage, making it difficult to see when at rest on bare ground, tree trunks, or stones. Th...

Izobelle in Walton on the Naze

A day at the coast seemed a good idea during the school holidays, and as Felixstowe is the regular seaside, what about Walton on the Naze, by the Tower and with less people generally? Having decided that was a good idea, buckets and spades were packed (for me) and some for Izobelle. This looks like a good spot, and very quiet too. Amazing how much the cliffs have eroded since our last visit. A fort was soon under construction, and some finishing touches given to this section . During these constructions, the right sized stones have to be used so a working party was organised to hunt for them (Nana). Having put in all that work, a photograph has to be taken for posterity of course. When we had had enough on the beach, we climbed back to the top of the cliff, and to the Tower for a coffee and cake. Izobelle and I decided that a climb to the top was in order. I was amazed at her lack of fear in climbing the very steep stairs. Once at the top we...

Wicken Fen - some history

The National Trust's oldest nature reserve, and England's most famous fen - Wicken Fen, one of Europe's most important wetlands, supports an abundance of wildlife. There are more than 9000 species, (I didn`t count them) including a spectacular array of plants, birds and dragonflies. The raised boardwalk and lush grass droves allow easy access to a lost landscape of flowering meadows, sedge and reed beds, where you can encounter rarities such as hen harriers, water voles and bitterns. They have grazing herds of Highland cattle and Konik ponies which are helping to create a diverse range of new habitats.  This site  is always a delight to visit,  and one of our favourites.  Fen Cottage . The cottage is one of the last surviving buildings of a once thriving hamlet whose residents lived and worked on the fen. Built in various stages from the late 18th - early 20th Century, it was constructed from local materials including peat, wood, sedge, reed and cla...

Lakenheath Fen Nature Reserve

Lakenheath Fen reserve comprises a mixture of wetland and woodland south of the Little Ouse in Suffolk. The RSPB has converted an area of arable farmland into a large wetland, consisting mainly of reedbeds and grazing marshes. The new reedbeds have attracted hundreds of pairs of reed warblers and sedge warblers, as well as bearded tits and marsh harriers. Lakenheath forms part of a network of other fenland nature reserves. These include Wicken Fen, Chippenham Fen, Woodwalton Fen and the washlands of the rivers Great Ouse and Nene. Many are now undergoing similar restoration and extension projects. What we wanted to see on our visit was the Bittern - we had heard rumours of many sightings, so were very optimistic. We were not to be disappointed! The journey was about 52 miles and was rather slow at the start as we started during the early morning rush. After a very warm welcome from the staff we embarked on a slow wander around the reserve. It is several years since our last visit and t...

Across the meadows to Shelly

It never fails to amaze me that so much wildlife live so close to us, and yet it is so easy to miss. However, if you go out with looking for wildlife, or photographing as in our case, then you can often be enchanted or amazed by the variety around you. Today was a walk across a local meadow and by the River Brett, with an aim in mind of seeing anything in the way of dragonfly or such. We were not disappointed. The first thing we spotted by the old Mill, was the Wagtail. This grey wagtail is a member of the wagtail family, Motacillidae, measuring around 18–19 cm overall length. The species looks somewhat similar to the yellow wagtail but has the yellow on its underside restricted to the throat and vent. The top of the bird you will see is more gray. Our Wagtail flew to a perch on a branch and then down onto the Lily pads on the river surface, where he did some hunting for insects. Once in our intended spot by the river, it was fairly easy to get images of t...