
Butterflies and Moths of 2014

Overall, 2014 was a good year for the number of different butterflies and moths we spotted and photographed. This is a good sample, but not all of them. I owe Rosey a huge debt when talking of these amazing insects, because are very much part of the world that fascinates her and she has infinite patience in identifying them. Thank you Rosey! Angle Shades (Phlogophora meticulosa) An unmistakable and distinctive moth with pinkish-brown markings. The wings are folded along the body at rest which gives the impression of a withered autumn leaf.  The adults are attracted to light and feed on flowers of Common Reed and other grasses and are frequently seen during the day, resting in the open, on walls, fences or vegetation. They overwinter as larvae so the caterpillars can be seen all year round, feeding in mild weather. They usually pupate in a cocoon just under the soil.  Small Argent & Sable (Epirrhoe tristata) Although the markings can be variable, the distin

Our last two days on Mull

So dawned our last day of Mull, and a great holiday it has been. Peaceful, interesting and lots to see. This fern just appealed to me as it sprouted from the stone wall - Polypodium vulgare, the common polypody. Seen at a stop on our way to today's adventure. Another abandoned cottage as we drove toward Loch na Keal, intending to explore another area we had not seen much of to date. Northern Eggar caterpillar or asiocampa quercus, as its Latin name. Loch na Keal - We drove along the southern edge of the loch toward Loch Ba. This was another unspoilt and beautiful drive. We watched sea eagles over the loch and just looked at the peaceful scenery, with all the worlds problems a million miles away. We came across this pile of stones, obviously left by some earlier passer by. Loch Ba More views of Loch Ba Our interest in this Mausoleum is the fact that, while traveling in Australia, Macquarie was a town that we pa

Fionnphort, Fiddon & Salen

The A849 crosses Mull West / East (or East / West if you fancy!) and we travelled westerly today until we reached Fionnphort which is the Ferry Port for Iona. The whole route is through stunning landscape and beside a loch - Loch Scridain to be precise. The weather looked threatening as we progressed, but thankfully the rain held off. Fionnphort was nothing remarkable, but it was of interest to see Iona just a short ferry trip away. The beach looked as if, on a sunny day, it might have been beautiful to picnic or sunbathe on. From here we drove a short distance to Fiddon. Another stunning beach with pink granite outcrops and a large white sandy bay. Some of the rocks on Fiddon beach. And a row of camper vans next to Fiddon beach.  Just off the Fiddon coast is the island of Erraid. It is a tidal island one mile square in area which lies off the south west of Mull. It is connected by a beach at low tide to the Isle of Mull and it is renowned for b

Back to Tobermory and onto Duart Castle

Another drive along the Sound of Mull to Tobermory today, but a slower pace with time to explore. The locals decided that this would be a leisurely drive! That one in the front is coming straight for us Rosey! This time we have a better day and the colours of the house stand out better. Lunch and a good stroll around was the order of the day. These old vessels on the Sound of Mull looked great against the dark sky. The village next to where were staying was called Inverlussa. So next morning we thought to take a stroll down the road and explore as we had a trip to Duart Castle planned for the afternoon. Keeping an eye on the hedgerow as we walked, we spotted these Common Spotted Orchid, Dactylorhiza fuchsia Then we found a grasshopper - not sure of the variety. ... and then my favourite of the morning, a Fritillary butterfly Quickly followed by a Cinnabar moth. Then we came across a monument to Dugald MacPha