
Volkswagens in Lavenham

Lavenham is best known for it`s amazing quantity of old buildings, magnificent church and history - but today it was VWs. Everywhere. They were here in all shapes and sizes. VW, having a very long history of manufacture, has a very large fan club who lovingly preserve anything VW - and I mean anything! The Guildhall reflected in the hub cap of a Beetle. The square was crowded with a magnificent display as well as the playing field area and some places in between. From rusty heap to lovingly restored Campers - they were all here! The famous, rear mounted, air cooled VW Beetle engine. A great nostalgic day in beautiful surroundings. Home

National Grid comes to Layham

UK Power Networks have been working on the local pylons and lines as part of plans to develop a new 400,000 volt (400 kV) connection between Bramford Substation (west of Ipswich) and Twinstead Tee (south of Sudbury) Who are they? - Customers don’t pay their electricity bills to them, for a start. They own and maintain electricity cables and lines across London, the South East and East of England. Large platforms appeared. They did surveys of some local residents and hinted at bigger pylone. NO thank you! Men began working on scary looking mobile platforms. And then they packed up and went home! Home .

Izobelle - our new granddaughter

Hayley with her `bump` at the beginning of April. At least three months to go before delivery. However, Nature said otherwise, and on May 10 this little bundle of joy arrived and was named Izobelle. Proud Mum looking worn, but glad it's all over, and baby Izobelle looking at her mum. Proud Nana and Grandad having their first holds of the little bundle Adoring Mum and baby Izobelle. Little did we know what a privilege and pleasure it would be to be part of the little ones` early life. Home

Floods in Layham

Every few years we get a really wet period and this year was no exception. Layham and Hadleigh don't suffer too badly as far as property damage goes, however, a few people get a bit of a scare. as these first two images from Layham show. This is the Granary in Layham. Built on piles but these are under water here. These two images are of the area in front of the Council Offices. Normally I follow a footpath across here, but not today! The Rugby Club grounds in Hadleigh, as you seldom see them. Home

A week in Vaynor Merthyr, The Brecons

Wales is a beautiful country and the area we were staying in had some walks with plenty of water and waterfalls. Vaynor Merthyr, is situated in the Brecons and so we were anticipating some glorious scenery and hoping for fine weather - we had both! The scenery from the road as we turned into out driveway, and our cabin in its secluded grounds.  Although the water levels were not as high as we hoped, this part of the Four Waterfalls Walk was well worth it. We had a glorious day. Follow this link for a guide and description.  These are the stunning Sgwd-yr-Eira waterfalls on the Afon Mellte river. These fabulous waterfalls are located in a steep rocky ravine with the added bonus of being possible to walk a path going behind a curtain of water. We did - it was brilliant! Near Pen y Fan - which is the highest peak in south Wales, situated in the Brecon Beacons National Park. It is 886 metres above sea-level but note, I said `near` not up!