
Ipswich Waterfront Festival

The waterfront is an attractive destination with Marina, smart residential developments and an ideal event space - in other words, an ideal place to hold the annual waterfront Festival. This is the first time we have attended the event and thoroughly enjoyed it. So, a few images to remember the day by. There were several craftsmen / women operating and they drew good crowds to watch them at work There seemed to be a lot of soldiers, of sorts, walking about. These two were playing dice with a passing lad! And then it disappeared! More soldiers standing about. Must be a battle looming. Plenty of rather tall people amongst the crowd. Always fascinating to the youngsters. I didn't think it was funny! This music troupe were excellent. Every child needs a balloon. Of course the eating places along the quay did a roaring trade. What a way to watch the passing activities! Parts of the waterfront are still

Ipswich Artathon (2)

This is my second offering of Ipswich art as I saw it. Some of it is not exactly of the date of this entry, as I have tried to group the images together. However, most images were take `around` this time! This first image was probable the newest of the group, and one of my favourites. THE QUESTION? 2011 UCS Waterfront Marble and granite The two-part work, created by internationally-acclaimed artists Langlands & Bell, is linked to an LED screen on top of the town’s iconic chimney tower at the Campus North site. It was financed by the university and grants of £75,000 from Arts Council England and £25,000 from Ipswich Borough Council. THE QUESTION (2) Linking with image above, on other half of UCE PRINCE ALEXANDER OBOLENSKY Cromwell Square, St. Nicholas Street 2009 Harry Gray Stone and bronze Artist Harry Gray was commissioned to make this artwork which mirrors the excitement and speed of the game and is in the style of the futur

Ipswich Artathon

Ipswich has several sculptures and works of art, so I learned. So I planned a few hours finding as many as I could and photographing them. The sculptures represent Ipswich`s maritime, industrial and sporting heritage both through the artwork and the landscape that is walked through. Although I didn't follow the pre planned routes suggested on the Artethom Map, I had a great time just wandering from one of the sculptures to the other and in fact, managed quite a few today.  The Trawlerman 1992 Sainsburys, Hadleigh Road John Ravera Bronze This sculpture is tucked away out of the town centre at Sainsburys which is close to the river, just before it becomes tidal. John Ravera was born in Surrey in 1941. He trained at Camberwell School of Art and works mainly in clay for bronze. He is a Past President of the Royal Society of British Sculptors and has public monuments scattered over London and the home counties including the much admired "Family Group&quo

Beauty in Nature - 21 days in July

Sometimes it is awe inspiring to consider the variety in nature that surrounds us, and which we often take for granted, or just plain `don't see`! The images that follow were all taken by me in a period of 21 days in July and could pass unnoticed if I had been in a rush. Unfortunately, for many people there is little alternative to the modern day hustle and bustle. I am one of the lucky ones, I know. Firstly, the star of the week for me ...... ....... the Fen Raft Spider. The Raft spider is a large, chunky spider that lives around the edge of ponds and ditches, and on wet heaths and bogs. Adults sit at the edge of the water, or on floating vegetation, with their front legs resting on the water's surface in order to feel for the vibrations of potential prey. Using the surface tension of the water, they chase out on to the water to catch their prey, which will even include tadpoles or small fish. Raft Spiders will also swim underwater, often diving beneath the surf