
Red, yellow, white and blue - Colours of Spring

The world seems full of colour so far this year and I have found it difficult to know quite where to point the camera sometimes! We have Poppies, Oilseed Rape, Wild Garlic, and Bluebells, all seen in profusion around the county. We sure live in a beautiful world! Once considered a weed of arable fields, the development of intensive agricultural practices has resulted in the decline of the Common poppy (also known as 'Corn poppy') in the wild. This familiar, showy flower is now most likely to occur as part of intentional wildflower seeding, or as the result of the disturbance of soil containing old seed banks. Its strongholds remain roadside verges, scrub, waste ground and farmland.  The pictures here however, were taken in a field near home which had another later crop growing in it. Some years I guess they are killed off, but 2011 was a good year for them. The same field which had the Poppies in it, also has this pungent Oilseed Rape (Brass

Nature - seen on my morning stroll.

In our village we have an old mill, complete with wheel and obviously a river running past complete with mill pond. This is an ideal spot it seems for a pair of Gray Wagtails who nest here, and who I have seen flitting about frequently, but never photographed. Today that changed, as one of them obliged by posing so close to me!  First on the bridge near the path and then went hunting just below me in the river. The grey wagtail is more colourful than its name suggests with slate grey upper parts and distinctive lemon yellow under-tail. Its tail is noticeably longer than those of pied and yellow wagtails. They have gradually increased their range in the past 150 years and in the UK have expanded into the English lowlands from the northern and western uplands. I was so pleased as I see them so frequently, but never too close. What have I caught here? Meanwhile, on the roof of the church, a Kestrel examines his proposed nesting site. And then chec

The journey of the Marquis Cornwallis

As you enter the village of Upper Layham from the A12 direction, one of the first buildings that you come across is the Marquis, offering bars, fine dining and accomodation in a beautiful setting looking down across the Brett Vale. Well worth eating there but only because a local businessman invested time and money to transform this derelict old pub. Just the front view gives an idea of its transformation from old (above) to now (below) From old sign (above) to new sign (below) As I said, Run Down! Not sure which century they were talking about! Didn't like to taste the beer or the pickle in the backyard. ... and the beautifully kept rear garden - I think not!  Today it is landscaped and some laid to car parking with another building for accomodation, separate to the main one. So, I wondered, where did the name Marquis Cornwallis come from? A bit of research yielded the following information: Charles C

More signs of Spring

Continuing the theme of spring awakening, I have a few more images taken in various locations, but mainly in Suffolk and near to home. This is most peoples favourite time of year and you can see why. After the long drag of winter, to be awaked , as it were, by the sight of so much beauty, should make anyone cheerful! One of our lesser seen wild flowers is the Snake's-head fritillary. It was not so long ago that the spring markets of Covent Garden were overflowing with the nodding, pink-and white-chequered blooms of snake's-head fritillaries. Handfuls picked from meadows beside the River Thames were taken to London by local children to be sold for a pretty penny or two. But, today, the carpets of this flower that once straddled our rivers and adorned our wet meadows have become a rare sight. Locally, Suffolk Wildlife Trust, have particular meadows open so that you can book to go and see them when in flower. The situation is as dire as that! Hedgerows full of Bl

Emily enjoys the park

One of the joys of young babies and even slightly older ones, is their wonderment at the most mundane of things!  Emily is nearly one year old and a visit to the park was amusing to watch and one wondered, just what was she thinking as she explored her surroundings. Emily with proud mum That man there who is pointing at you, is Grandad Let's start by seeing you stand on your own, and then you can go and explore. OK, so what is bright yellow thing? Let`s touch it and perhaps give it a pull. Yuck! something sticky on my fingers now. You take it Grandad Now to get something for mummy. Here you go mummy! Now, who else is there I can give something to? Home