
The Isle of Anglesey with Graham & Jane

Today was the start of a great holiday with Graham and Jane - from Australia where they now live, and starting with Anglesey. Anglesey is an island in Wales, off the mainland's northwest coast. It's known for its beaches and ancient sites. The island is accessed by the 19th-century Menai Suspension Bridge and the Britannia Bridge, rebuilt in the 20th century. We were to stay in St Mary's Bay for our exploration of this corner of Wales, none of us had visited before.  One of the first places we visited was South Stack Lighthouse, built on a small island off the north-west coast of Holyhead, Anglesey, Wales. It was built in 1809 to warn ships of the dangerous rocks below.  Some history of Anglesey: Historically, Anglesey has long been associated with the druids. In AD 60 the Roman general Gaius Suetonius Paulinus, determined to break the power of the druids, attacked the island using his amphibious Batavian contingent as a surprise vanguard assault and

More images of our granddaughter Izobelle

It is amazing how a baby changes so much in such a short time. Izobelle, despite being an early delivery, is smiling and appears to recognise people already. All smiles from Izobelle. Watching the world and wondering, no doubt. Shall I sleep or not? Home

Ickworth House, Bury St Edmunds

You can trace Ickworth’s origins back to the Domesday book when it was merely one of hundreds of assets belonging to the Abbey of Bury St Edmunds. Its association with the Hervey family began three centuries later in 1432, when Thomas Hervey acquired the land by marriage. Through success and scandal, Ickworth was the family’s home for the next 500 years. Thomas’ descendants set about transforming the ancient deer-park into an aristocratic paradise. The modest medieval hall became a turreted Tudor mansion. In 1701 the 1st Earl demolished the mansion and developed plans for an even grander abode. He also renovated the church, where all Ickworth owners have been laid to rest. Residents of the tiny hamlet of Ickworth were rehoused in neighbouring Horringer, and their former dwellings demolished to make way for pasture. The next generation of Herveys made even more of an impact on the landscape. Aptly, construction began on the Earl-Bishop’s ‘stupendous monument of folly’, the Ro

The Olympic flame arrives in Ipswich

This was the year when the Olympics came to London. Probably the only time I shall ever see all the excitement that surrounds this global event - was when the flame came to Ipswich! It was due into town in the evening and great excitement was in the air. I was there! As the crowds gathered, the anticipation heightened until this familiar vehicle appeared, heralding the approach of - something at least! Police escorts, always a feature of these events, paved the way. The entourage continues. The crowd gathering. Who were the two lads I wondered? Everyman and his dog was there. The dog had put his best wheels on (Poor thing) And then THE Flame appeared!!. Do you know - I haven't a clue who the torch bearer was! That was it for the evening. All over. But tomorrow I shall return to see the flame leave Christchurch Mansion. Home

Volkswagens in Lavenham

Lavenham is best known for it`s amazing quantity of old buildings, magnificent church and history - but today it was VWs. Everywhere. They were here in all shapes and sizes. VW, having a very long history of manufacture, has a very large fan club who lovingly preserve anything VW - and I mean anything! The Guildhall reflected in the hub cap of a Beetle. The square was crowded with a magnificent display as well as the playing field area and some places in between. From rusty heap to lovingly restored Campers - they were all here! The famous, rear mounted, air cooled VW Beetle engine. A great nostalgic day in beautiful surroundings. Home

National Grid comes to Layham

UK Power Networks have been working on the local pylons and lines as part of plans to develop a new 400,000 volt (400 kV) connection between Bramford Substation (west of Ipswich) and Twinstead Tee (south of Sudbury) Who are they? - Customers don’t pay their electricity bills to them, for a start. They own and maintain electricity cables and lines across London, the South East and East of England. Large platforms appeared. They did surveys of some local residents and hinted at bigger pylone. NO thank you! Men began working on scary looking mobile platforms. And then they packed up and went home! Home .