
Showing posts with the label frost

Frosty start to 2025

We started the year with a cold front sweeping across the country and, along with the severe frost, large amounts of snow in the North and Midlands and across Wales as well. We, luckily, only had the frost and ice! A local walk was in order, and here are some of my images taken. Across the footpath in the local fields and all the vegetation had a real layer of ice crystals on it. Closer up you can see how pretty it made everything. Even a dead sunflower! Patterns of ice on a puddle Water gushing from a stream with pretty patterns of ice forming behind it. And then one of our neighbor's fence had this pattern on it. Next are some images taken in Christchurch Park, in Ipswich. Again, a lovely morning but very cold with everywhere covered in frost. The grass in front of the War memorial, and nearby, is white. While this log looked as if it was watching me!  (Perhaps the frost affected my brain!) Mr squirrel didn't seem much bothered as he sat and chewed his food. The pond was froz...

Flatford - floods and frost

Two visits to Flatford in different weather conditions. The first series of photgraphs are taken on the 9th January, after the torrential rains that poured over large parts of the country.The second set are taken (10 days later) in the same area, now largely covered in frost although a fair amount of water remains in the fields. So first the rain. This the start of our normal walk toward Dedham - `not today` we thought! Bridge Cottage, where you can see the `normal edge` to the path under water. Flatford Mill with torrents of water where there is normally a placid flow! The dry dock - somewhere under here. Days later the area is covered in frost! Bridge Cottage and tea rooms looking rather splendid in the frost morning light. Woodfarm Barns at Flatford Frost along the riverside paths Willie Lott`s cottage through the frosty grass. The riverside as you join the footpath leading across the fields. Altogether a period of dramatic weather which was well worth capturing.    Index o...