Lest we forget - Hadleigh and others

The displays around the district were also a poignant reminder of the suffering and loss of life in the Great War - still remembered 100 years on. They ranged from the simplistic but effective display in Raydon, to the huge 21000+ poppy display in Sudbury. The beautiful, simple display of Raydon Church. The amazing cascade in Sudbury. A cascade of more than 21,000 knitted and crocheted poppies covering the local church, many of which were donated from all over the world. While I was dodging traffic to get my photograph , this rainbow appeared behind the church. I wonder what he would have made of it all? This display in the Castle Park, Colchester, features willow sculptures and a floral World War One tank, and incorporates over 11,000 plants. It is the town`s commemoration of the centenary of the end of World War One, as well as remembering the town’s important role during the conflict, when up to 20,000 soldiers wer...