A Geocaching day in Pembrokeshire

Tuesday we decided to try and pick up a few local Geocaches and our first stop was for one at Nolton Haven, a pretty beach as usual. If you have never tried Geocaching follow this link for an explanation. As a worldwide treasure hunt, it is suitable for most ages, and is great fun - and addictive! In the 19th century this was a busy port, as coal was exported from Nolton and nearby Newgale. It was a good easy cache to find. Newgale – great surfing bay with beach berms (Piles of shingle / stones) Maidenhall was our next stop, where a great view from the car park viewpoint and another cache awaited. Well hidden in the wall. Then a short drive to Newgale with it`s great surfing beach and berms. Here, one earth Cache and two regular ones completed our tally before heading back to Broad Haven for a steak pie lunch – lovely! So, a berm, a dictionary definition is: A nearly horizontal plateau on the beach face or backshore, formed by the deposition of bea...