Scarborough was an interesting place, although not a place I would go to regularly. However, on a rather dull day, it was not the time to explore the town to any degree. I am sure in more sunny weather we would have had a better picture of it.. Below is the Grand Hotel, and grand is the right word. When the Grand Hotel was completed in 1867 it was one of the largest hotels in the world and one of the first giant purpose-built hotels in Europe. Four towers represent the seasons, 12 floors represent the months, 52 chimneys represent the weeks and originally 365 bedrooms represented the days of the year. A general view along the beach toward the harbour on a rather dull day. Some shots taken near, or in, the harbour area. Well, just rust I suppose! Scarborough Cliff Railway - a view from the bottom. There have been five such railways in Scarborough, two have closed. Well used, I would think, as the path up is very steep. Home ...