Ipswich`s Holywells Park

Ipswich Holywells Park is looking better than ever - thanks to a £3.5 million “Parks for People” refurbishment. Holywells is a beautiful open space, with stunning trees and ponds, but also a green hub for the community. There is something for people of all ages to enjoy … The park extends over 28 hectares of picturesque grounds with a history dating back to medieval times. The Park was originally part of the Manor of Wykes Bishop, held by the Bishops of Norwich from the 13th Century. During the reign of Henry VIII, the Manor was surrendered to the Crown and then granted to Sir John Jermy. The title of Lord of the Manor was acquired by John Cobbold in 1812. The Cobbold family purchased what was the Pitts Farm estate in 1811 to use the park’s spring water for their brewery business. It was the Cobbold Family that renamed the area Holy Wells. The Cobbolds sold the estate in 1930 to Lord Woodbridge who subsequently bequeathed the land to the Town Council and was opened as a park in 1...