New life in early summer

May/ June time is a beautiful time of year. New life, be it plant or insect, is all around us. Just a brief look in hedgerow and garden will show you this everywhere. Over a few days I pointed my camera at all manner of things, guided by eagle eyed Rosey, and here are a few images taken during this period, with a brief detail. Drinker Moth caterpillar Caterpillars from August to June. Britain and Ireland. Large hairy dark grey caterpillar found mainly in damp habitats. Fully grown caterpillars are up to 7 cm in length. They are dark grey with golden speckling and have brown hair tufts along the body. A line of white hair tufts is present on either side of the body. The caterpillars hibernate when part grown and continue feeding in the spring, becoming fully grown by June. In winter they can sometimes be found at rest on grass stems and on the twigs of bushes. In the spring they feed mainly at night, but during the day can be found resting low down on veget...