Ipswich Artathon

Ipswich has several sculptures and works of art, so I learned. So I planned a few hours finding as many as I could and photographing them. The sculptures represent Ipswich`s maritime, industrial and sporting heritage both through the artwork and the landscape that is walked through. Although I didn't follow the pre planned routes suggested on the Artethom Map, I had a great time just wandering from one of the sculptures to the other and in fact, managed quite a few today. The Trawlerman 1992 Sainsburys, Hadleigh Road John Ravera Bronze This sculpture is tucked away out of the town centre at Sainsburys which is close to the river, just before it becomes tidal. John Ravera was born in Surrey in 1941. He trained at Camberwell School of Art and works mainly in clay for bronze. He is a Past President of the Royal Society of British Sculptors and has public monuments scattered over London and the home counties including the much admired "Family Group...