Flowers in the landscape - with Gill Moon

This session with Gill was to two locations - both coastal - one to Aldeburgh and the other to Shingle Street. These are two beaches which have a variety of flowers on the beach area and amongs the boats and other paraphernalia. Obviosly, most of the images feature boats, but the flowers are quite spectacular in unexpected places. Hers are a few of my offerings!

These first three show the flowers in the landscape and amongs the general objrcts of the area  ..... generally boats ....

.... but not always!

These two images above show flowers in general patches around the beach.

Other large clumps of flowers are around the sheds and posts etc

All of the above images were taken at Aldeburgh, and those below are from Shingle Street. These lower ones focus on individual flowers.

Bee Orchid. Not too common but a beautiful flower 

Vipers Bugloss and the same below.

Vipers Bugloss 

It was very interesting focusing on the flowers on the beaches because it is not generally an area associated with them.



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