Sizewell - Beauty and the Beast

When I think of Sizewell on the Suffolk coast, my mind immediately jumps to Nuclear power stations, and conjours up all sorts of negative thoughts surroundng them.
There is another side to Sizewell and these are a few images to illustrate the beauty all around.

The beach is like a lot of the surrounding area - shingle. Not easy to walk a great distance on. There are a lot of boats on the beach and I picked just this one out with the two offshore platforms in the background. 
The platforms (now defunct) were there to service the intake and discharge tunnels used to run sea water through the cooling system. The cold water inlet was the farthest platform and the hot water outlet was the nearest platform.

Taken on a previous visit when the sea was not so calm.

I named this image `layers` as it appears to be in layers of colours.

One of the dominant colours was yellow - yellow gorse everywhere, and the perfume was gorgeous.

I had to include  `the Beast` - Sizewll B. The new C reactor is underway but there is a long way to go before it comes online. 


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