Coronation Celebrations - Layham & around

The Coronation of King Charles was celebrated all over the country with a variety of events - Layham being no different. However, my interest was to keep a photographic record, but this proved more difficult than I anticipated! I don't know what I was expecting from people, but streams of bunting and flags were the majority response. There were some local exceptions, such as in Holton St Mary and the portrait in Hadleigh, both below.
Layham held an afternoon tea which was organized by four brave ladies from the Village Hall Commitee, which was very well attended and very much enjoyed by everybody. Other places had street parties I believe.

This is the portrait of our new monarch which appeared on a wall in Angel Street, in Hadleigh

The crown on the telephone box in Holton St Mary, a nearby village.

Layham Village Hall, complete with bunting.

Interior of our village hall with just the ceiling bunting

Tables laid out ready

Tablecloths and cutlery ready

Then the hall fills with people awaiting their afternoon tea!

Next door to the hall, the Church of St Andrews was also adorned for the occasion

Two images to finish - my helper - Emily, my granddaughter and the other one a surprise visit by our newly elected councilor. Overall, a wonderful day, which was very much enjoyed by all.


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