Three days of summer!

`Make the most of the good weather` was our cry for this year, as summer weather seems in short supply at the moment. This week was forecast as sunny for most days and three days were marked as potential `days out`. We were lucky as we managed all three days. One to Redgrave and Lopham Fen, another to Pipers' Vale Nature Reserve with its stunning views of the Orwell Bridge, and the third to Ramsholt Church on the Deben River, to see the poppies all around the churchyard. So, here are images from all three days to remind us of at least some summer in 2021! As you can see, the churchyard is a riot of colour at the moment. Certainly a view to remember. In amongst this colour, with the River Deben as a backdrop, you have an interesting church as well. See my previous post. Moving on to the next sunny day, and a trip to Pipers` Vale. This is a Nature Reserve that is worth visiting for its flowers and butterflies, but also its views of the Orwell Bridge. Two views of the Orwell Bridge. A...