Autumn comes to Rendlesham

Autumn has made its presence felt with dull, damp days, and the sun setting earlier. However there are always pluses to balance, such as the beautiful colours that we usually get on the trees and woodlands. On top of that, this is the time for most fungi to make their appearance. Here is a small offering from my camera on a recent walk around part of Rendlesham Forest. I hope I have named the fungi correctly, but please don't hesitate to correct me if I am wrong!

On a warmer day, a great spot to sit'

The sun is lighting up the bracken which is rapidly changing colour.

Tangled trees

Now for a few fungi - this one being a Cauliflower Fungus (Sparassis crispa)

Puffball fungi

Redlead Roundhead (Leratiomyces ceres)

Parasol fungi (?)

And lastly - Hairy Curtain Crust fungi

No doubt a few more visits to the woodlands are on the cards for the next month, to record this beautiful season. The only unfortunate thing about autumn? - Winter follows! 
But not to worry, perhaps we can get some snow scenes!


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