Signs Of The Times - Coronavirus.

The period that we are all moving through at the moment, is unprecedented, in my lifetime anyway. The Covid-19 pandemic is terrifying in its scope and effect it has on the lives of people that it touches. Although there have been pandemics throughout history, so we read, this one is real - to me, as it affects everybody around me, and will continue to do so for months to come.

One of the ways people convey their feeling and thoughts during these times is in forms of art - messages, drawings etc. Below I have captured some local signs made by all age ranges from children to adults, but starting with one of my favourites seen in a farm yard.

The rainbow colours, but in a flag and a smiley face - lovely!

This from the youngster (13yrs old I believe) from Church Lane, Layham

Her Rainbow of Hope.

I believe the young lady was selling special keyrings on this bench, shame I missed them.

Not far away from the above images, this rainbow balloon spotted on a wall.

The sign on the playing field gate. The sign that says it all.

The Rainbow of Hope as part of this great window display by one of the Charity shops in Hadleigh. This rainbow sign has become an universal symbol during this sad time and can be seen in children's drawings fixed to windows in countless homes across the country.

This rainbow was a clever one in the window of a picture framing shop in Hadleigh.

Messages of encouragement.

A great display in a window in Benton Street, Hadleigh.

A message displayed at a farm nearby which has a message we all endorse with all our hearts. Watching or reading the news today, you feel the world is full of greedy, thoughtless and selfish people. In times like this you realise that this is not the case. If only they had more exposure in the nations news!


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