One frosty morning - Flatford

Flatford Mill is a beautiful site at most times of the year, but the appearance of a good frost said `off to Flatford and a walk by the river`. What we were not expecting was the whole area covered in a Hoar frost. Beautiful!

This image is of Bridge Cottage from the start of the Deham riverside walk. 

So onto the different types of frost (nothing is simple is it?)
Ground frost - A ground frost refers to the formation of ice on the ground, objects or trees, whose surface have a temperature below the freezing point of water. During situations when the ground cools quicker than the air, a ground frost can occur without an air frost. A grass frost, an un-official type of ground frost, can occur when other surfaces - such as concrete or road surfaces - don't experience a frost, due to their better ability at holding onto any warmth. It is possible for a grass frost to occur in late spring or even early summer when the risk of more wide-spread frosts has disappeared and is something that gardeners in particular need to be aware of. 
Air frost - An air frost occurs when the air temperature falls to or below the freezing point of water. An air frost is usually defined as the air temperature being below freezing point of water at a height of at least one metre above the ground. 
Hoar frost - Hoar frost is composed of tiny ice crystals and is formed by the same process as dew, but when the temperature of the surface is below freezing point. The 'feathery' variety of hoar frost forms when the surface temperature reaches freezing point before dew begins to form on it. A 'white' frost, composed of more globular ice, occurs when the dew forms first, then subsequently freezes. The presence of fog tends to prevent the formation of hoar frost as it reduces the potential for radiational cooling of surfaces. 
So now you know!

A close up of how the frost builds up into beautiful shapes.

Then the grass on the river bank completely smothered in frost.

And another close up.

There was activity, especially on the water, despite the biting cold. Like these canoeists - complete with the radio playing. Fancy spoiling the peace of this glorious morning!

Then of course a pair of graceful swans.

Followed by a touch of standup paddleboarding

The sun breaking through the trees.

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