Evolution of our garden
Our rear garden was a source of frustration from the time we moved in to our bungalow. Although we made the most of the space as it was and had a small lawn with a few plants, it was not as we would have wished. As well as the garden needing some reconstruction, the conservatory was small and the worse for wear, so the two things came together in 2016 with a grand project, captured here on a few images. The results - well see below!
Starting point - the small conservatory and the steps and slabs which dominated the area.
Facing the other direction, we have the area that Rosey turned into a small flower/lawn area.
This is how it finished, thanks to a lot of hard work by Rosey. Then, time to move on.....
Demolition time! Where has the conservatory gone? plus all the furniture? What a lovely fence!
Someone is preparing for action by the looks of the building plant beginning to appear.
Re-construction has started as our new conservatory takes shape.
`Lo and behold` a new fence with a new gate - and in a different position.
The old shed has gone, the soil has begun to shift, and more slabs have appeared in a pile.
Trench dug for the retaining wall dug and more soil heaped up. Also the blocks for the wall are ready in a pile by the fence.
Danny`s tools and markers in place ready to start building the retaining wall.
The conservatory is finished and the retaining wall takes shape. All that soil to remove!
Slabs re-appear, properly laid. The shape of the three tiered beds become apparent.
The path to the newly positioned gate appears.
How much cleaner and neater the whole garden appears!
New shed! Some initial planting and the end is in sight.
The finished article. We are really pleased how it has turned out, thanks in large part to the vision of Danny and his landscaping skills.