Autumn was here in 2015

Autumn is noted for its changes to foliage from green to many shades of red, green and yellow, and the fields from golden to brown. Also, of course, the appearance of fungi in their many forms and varieties. 2015 was a good year for `autumn colours` and fungi, so here are a few of the images I captured.

Always a sign, and not always a well received one, of the end of summer. Ploughed fields which were just yesterday it seems, covered in gold, now assume a mantel of brown.

The road leading in toward Hadleigh had some lovely colours this year.

The a close-up of the leaves before they fell.

Autumn colours against a blue sky

White Saddle Fungi

The Miller - Clitopilus prunulus

Not sure of the name of this fungi

The jelly Ear (Auricularia auricula)

Scurfy Deceiver - Laccaria proxima

Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria)


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