Time with Adam

Adam, our grandson, spent several days with us during the first half of 2011 and hopefully enjoyed himself in the various activities we did together. He seemed to anyway, and we certainly did!

Lets help Nanna water the polythene

First pictures are of Nanna explaining the hidden secrets of the rings on a tree that had been felled in Arger Fen. 

Then I will have my picture taken on a tree stump. 

Arger fen has the most magnificent display of bluebells and Adam ran up and down the steps in the part of the woods so that we could get a blurred image. Bless him! 

Without the blur! 

Next was a trip to see the steam trains at Hedingham railway museum 

Catching insects in among the poppy display in the Oilseed Rape field near home. This year we had one of the best poppy displays for many a year. 

However, the Oilseed Rape was so tall in places that he had to have a `piggy back` which he loved. 

Finishing off the day with a picnic 


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